Six on Saturday 28.11.20

Here we are at the end of November, and only three more SoS posts after this one before Christmas. Can you believe it? Personally I can’t wait for summer holidays, and taking three weeks away from the desk at work – I am counting down the days. Anyway, thanks once again to The Propagator for allowing us to share what is going on in our gardens. Check out the participant guide if you want to join in. 

Warmer and brighter days signal the end of the year for us in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as a time of growth out there in the garden. With all the rain we have had recently as well, everything is growing – and fast – see the featured image at the top of the post and this view of the Peruvian lilies, which are covered in buds. Also growing are newly planted things such as the sunflowers, dahlias, nasturtiums and some mystery seeds that have lost their tag. There is always one pot like that no matter how hard I try to label things.

And on the subject of nasturtiums, more buds and more flowers on one of the plants. You all know how much I really like these flowers, and I just can’t get enough of them.

And so to ‘the herb garden’ as I like to call my collection of pots of herbs. The echinacea is really flourishing this year, as is the new rosemary which is already beginning to cry out for a larger pot. There are some tiny little flowers on the lemon verbena, which has also vigorously sprung back to life.

Meanwhile, the parsley is all going to seed. Now why I am not upset at the old plant, which has provided me with many a sprig for the kitchen, is turning this way, I am a bit annoyed that the plants I bought just after lockdown are also turning to seed. Mind you, I did wonder why they were so cheap and why they were almost the only thing available at that time. The other rosemary is not looking good, and while I will feed it with some recommended fertiliser (fish and seaweed based), this seems to be a regular occurrence with this plant. I am wondering if it is something to do with the position of the plant, next to the house, where it can get a lot of sun. Any advice or comments welcome.

At number five, I managed to capture this bee enjoying the arthropodium cirratum. Everywhere is covered with this plant at the moment, so I hope the bees in the nearby hives in the Botanic Gardens are feeding well. These particular plants are at the kitchen end of our house.

And finally….back by popular demand, two more pictures of the camellia. No more words are necessary….

So that is my six for this week. As usual, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful gardens in other parts of the world. Hope you are all well and enjoying your gardens in whatever the season is with you. 

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram@thistleandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on


  1. Very beautiful flower of nasturtium that I ‘d like to eat here now with a salad … Your photo of echinacea is superb, just like the last 2 photos of the camellia : bravo!

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  2. This time of year here in Colorado is pretty dry and bleak, especially in the gardens. We have also been very dry (not good, not normal) so I really have nothing to share – BUT – then you share your beauties and I am overjoyed. There will be spring and life does go on in a wonderful way. Thank you and a question: Do you have winter in New Zealand? Snow? Cold? Doubt I will ever have the chance to see it, but I am curious. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And thank you for your comment. Winter here where we are is not cold by what I consider cold (having lived most of my life in Northern Europe). We don’t get snow, but they do on the South Island and on the mountains. There are a few ski fields.


  3. The Arthropodium cirratum is a beauty and anything that attracts bees is a winner for me. As for the rosemary – I lost a large shrub in my raised bed last year, it just started dying off and even though I cut the dead bits off, more died. I think it was simply just too wet in that raised bed and the roots just shrank and died. I have another which was a cutting from the original in a very sunny spot and next to a large rock and mulched with pebbles that seems very healthy. I have several smaller plants (cuttings) in pots just in case!

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  4. Well that warmed me up! I agree that your rosemary must be stagnant at the roots somehow. I would start again with a little plant and it will soon romp away. Like the rest of the SoS world, I adore the camellia. 🙂

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  5. The camellias are lovely, as always, but those white flowers are glorious. I’ve never seen arthropodium cirratum before. What a treat it must be to have it blooming in your yard.

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  6. Lovely to see the cheerful nasturtiums and the fresh vigour of your herbs, when ours in Europe are looking v sorry for themselves. Re the rosemary, do you get those metallic-looking rosemary beetles where you are? We have them here – I just removed two from a plant this afternoon and put on the bird table – they can cause considerable leaf damage and die-back.

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    1. Actually yes we do get tiny little metallic creatures – very tiny – but not sure what they are (my searching came up with steelblue ladybird which is an introduced species from Australia. Haven’t seen any on the rosemary yet). When you are having summer we will be having winter…


  7. It’s always a lovely surprise when the unknown seedlings get bigger and start to flower! I’ve given up on sowing more seeds now it is so hot and will wait until next year when it cools down. That is a lovely photo of the Arthropodium flowers, especially with the bee! Have a great week!

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  8. I so enjoying all the lush growth at yours as our gardens go to sleep. I would definitely plant the rosemary in the ground. Whenever a plant of mine looks sick that’s what I do. Sometimes they just want to get their roots down. I also love your cardinal red nasturtium. A stunner!

    Liked by 1 person

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