Six on Saturday 05.10.19

I think we have had the weather of four seasons this week…there has been sun (remember last weekend when it was warm enough to sit outside?), there has been hail, and today, it is grey, overcast, chilly and wet. My plans for first of the seed planting and sorting out some of the bulb bowls today are now on hold. It is not a day to be outside, but one to be indoors with a large pot of tea. Anyway, thanks once again to The Propagator for allowing us to share what is going on in our gardens.

Saturday’s grey weather
Friday’s blue skies in the Botanic Gardens

Anyway, not a lot new is happening outside. Things are growing, telling me it is spring, despite the fact we still have heating on and are wearing sweaters. The hebes are looking really good, as is the lavender.

Another picture of lavender…but I do like it!

So since I can’t be outside, inside there is yet to be a sign of life from the chilli seeds I planted a couple of weeks ago. Fingers crossed something pops up. I’m quite eager to start planting, but travelling for work, being sick and the weather are all conspiring against me. I am taking Monday off work so let’s hope I can get some time there to potter about with plants.

Seeds have been planted

My two cyclamen are still looking good. I’m seriously thinking of getting a bunch more. They are often on offer at the garden centre, so I should wait for the chance of getting more.


Also looking good at the moment is the ficus. It just keeps going, and should really be replanted soon into a bigger pot. You can see one of the many spider plants that are in, and outside, the house. I guess they add a bit of green, and are so easy to grow. A bit too easy to grow perhaps!

The ficus

Finally, the magnolia blooms are almost at an end. We had a fantastic display this year, so no complaints there. I took this photo standing on the back porch, hiding from the rain.

End of the magnolia for this year

As usual, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful gardens in other parts of the world.

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram@thistleandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on


  1. Cyclamens are one of my favorite flowers, and yours in gorgeous. In Maine, I have never seen them planted outdoors. Usually, they are sold in pots for Christmas, and how cheering they are in the long dark of December. Looking forward to seeing more or your cyclamens.


  2. I looked at your picture of the pot with the chilli seeds this morning and I just looked again to see if anything had come up since. It’s hard wired in me, I can’t help myself. That’s a pretty Camellia at the top, do you know what it is?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As I read the other comments, I think, yes, I love that one, too. Your photos are wonderful to look at – do you use a regular camera or camera phone? Now that I’ve dithered a bit, I’m ready to say the photo of the path going toward the magnolia is my fav, which isn’t surprising as I always love your pictures of that tree. Looks great in all seasons.


    1. I just use my iPhone. It is amazing how much camera phones have developed so much. I love that magnolia too. When we moved here and I realised that was there I was so happy to have such a plant where we live.


  4. I think I’ve done my last seed sowing for this year. Sad face. Nice to see you have some seed action going. I sowed my chilli seeds on new years day this year, had the best chilli crop evs. I had to use various contraptions to keep them alive/thriving until I could put them in the GH after the frosts, but it was worth it. Good luck with yours!


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