Six on a Saturday

Remember last Saturday in Wellington?  It was a glorious warm, sunny spring day.  Today, however, it is like winter: cold, wet and windy. We even had hailstones battering on our roof at 5am.  It is not a day to be out in the garden.  But that doesn’t mean I can’t think about gardening, indoor or outdoor.

1. Grey skies and fern

Actually, since I started to think about this post, the sun has made an effort to shine a bit, so hopefully I can at least get out and sweep up some of the flower petals that have gathered on the steps.

Not a nice day

2. The rhododendron…

…is now in full bloom, attracting lots of bees which is, of course, good.  See the featured image at the top of the post, taken from our upstairs living room window for how it looks today.  It is an old tree and in need of a bit of TLC, but it is glorious to see the flowers out of the window.

Another view of the vibrant pink flowers

3 A curiosity

I planted some microgreens, and one side seems to have flourished and the other…well you can see for yourself.  Obviously the kale is happy and the beetroot is not!


4 The sage

The herbs I bought the other week seem to be doing well so far, such as the sage below.  I really want to pick up some more and have been considering lemon balm, chervil and of course, planting the chive seeds I bought,  It is too early to plant out any basil, that will have to wait until the end of November,


5 More reading

With the gloomy weather, it is a day for tea and picking up a gardening magazine, reading about petunias and getting some ideas for new indoor plants. I’m also watching Big Dreams, Small Spaces with Monty Don on Netflix at the same time for further inspiration.

It is the weather for tea…
…and reading about petunias

6. The last of the Japanese Camellias

A beautiful bloom


Thanks to The Propagator for starting Six on Saturday.  Hoping for better weather next Saturday!

You can find Thistles and Kiwis on Facebook, and also on Instagram@thistleandkiwis.  As for Twitter….am totally inactive these days.  If you want to get in touch, email me on


  1. I love the top photo, but not in the way you might think. It makes me nostalgic to see those lovely old weatherboard houses on the Wellington hillsides! Gorgeous photo of the camellia. Did you decide what to plant in your courtyard corner?


    1. We actually live in a wooden house built in 1929, perched on a hill. It’s very Wellington in fact. I think I am going to go for a tub filled with something easy to grow like nasturtiums or marigolds as that corner does tend to get neglected. I’ll pop an old chair up there too and see if we use it.


  2. You are on a similar latitude to me so I can empathise with all things southern! On rainy days, I sit with dog, cup of tea, Garden Illustrated from the UK and Gardening Australia, lusting after everyone else’s gardens! Beautiful rhododdendron!

    Liked by 1 person

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